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Vienna Internationale

Bildende Kunst + Darstellende Kunst

Geneva. Cooperation with the Swiss collective Le Grain.

Opening: 07.04.22 – 19:00-23:00

Vienna Internationale is an exhibition proposed by @legrain_espacesdecreation and the @art_kolkhoz collective from Vienna.

The @art_kolkhoz collective brings together several young artists all represented at Austrian art universities. The collective has established a new artistic trend in the capital city with the aim of promoting global cultural awareness, cultural interpretation and cultural development.

The plurality of approaches and research techniques creates a multi-faceted scenario: configuring well-defined space-time coordinates. Vienna Internationale thus serves as an observatory from which to explore and question the present, which is still characterised by a great imbalance, on industrial production that continues to be growth and profit oriented, which significantly creates global, economic inequalities and ecological differences.

Vienna International wants to take a critical look at our different cultures, our ways of life and at history, which is taking a new turn; trying to establish a new vision of the world.

Exhibition: 07-21.04.22
Visits by appointment at:

Participating artists:
Anna Greta Anvidalfarei @annaanvidalfarei
Kiki Furlan @kikifurlan
Hannah & Lea Neckel @voidgirl69 & @69lean666
Michael Pöllinger
Nikita Sukhov @qwasimode

El Tchola @el_tchola x Coucou Andrea @coucou_andrea (live)
Larsaint @larsaint (dj set)

Graphic design:
Bords Perdus @bordsperdus